$15,000 REWARD For Information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of person(s) responsible for killing 5 head of cattle on the ROCKING 4 RANCH, Gila County Az on or around March 3, 2025. For more Information, click here.
The Gila County Cattle Growers Association is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Cattle Industry throughout Gila County, Arizona and the United States.
We are committed to range conservation and preservation of open space for ranchers, outdoor enthusiasts, sportsmen, and adventurers.
Forest Supervisor Neil Bosworth signed the Record of Decision for the revised Tonto National Forest Land Management Plan (land management plan) on December 8, 2023. The Record of Decision documents the rationale for approving the land management plan. This revised plan will replace the existing 1985 land management plan (1985 forest plan) effective 30 days from December 8, 2023. . For More Information Click Here . . .
On March 5, 2024, the US Fish & Wildlife Service announced that the wild population of Mexican wolves saw another year of growth in 2023, according to the results of the annual survey. The 2023 population census revealed a minimum of 257 Mexican wolves distributed across Arizona and New Mexico. This increase marks the eighth consecutive year of population growth, the longest continuous streak since recovery efforts began.
NEPA for Ranchers: A pamphlet discribing the NEPA process on USFS and BLM rangelands.Contributing Authors: Jim Sprinkle, University of Arizona; Carolyn Eppler, Action Analysis Partners, LLC, Payson, Arizona; George Ruyle, University of Arizona; David Cook, DC Cattle Company, LLC, Globe, Arizona