Terry Wheeler has dedicated his life to the ranching community as well as the citizens of Gila County.
As our President in 2002-2004, he fought persistently in Washington to successfully restore cattle to the Tonto and preserve the values and way of life we hold so dear.
After selling his ranch, he didn't just set in his rocking chair. He has dedicated his life to the ranching community as well as the citizens of Gila County. Over the years, he has established himself as a professional ranch resource technician, which gives him a great knowledge in articulating the debates on our environmental problems. He has served on many committees for our County and State, as well as attending many meetings in Washington as a member of the National Resource Conservation Department.
His conservation expertise can be seen daily on the tailings in Miami. Working with local ranchers, the project is the perfect marriage of ranching and mining industries that produced results that even pleased the environmentalists! The success of this project spawned similar projects worldwide.
As a City Councilman, he was the liaison between politics and the ranching industry keeping all informed of policies that not only adversely affect the ranching community, but are also detrimental to all citizens. Through his many years helping and working with our San Carlos Apache Tribe neighbors, he strengthened our ties and working relationship.
As Mayor of Globe, he continued to strive for the betterment of the ranchers and for our community. His support of the SAFE Plan for healthy forests as well as his concerns over water-rights and the adverse effects predator releases in near-by areas are manifestations of his dedication.
Thank you, Terry, for your years of dedication.