$15,000 REWARD For Information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of person(s) responsible for killing 5 head of cattle on the ROCKING 4 RANCH, Gila County Az on or around March 3, 2025. For more Information, click here.
Rafter P Ranch
Lyman Ranches
Flying H Ranch
Jill Wilson Agency
Rasmussen Ranches
Bob Benne, Potato Butte Ranch
Brent Cline, X4 & O-C Ranches
Woody Cline, Vosberg/Marsh Creek
Bill Conway, Greenback Valley Ranch
David Cook, DC Cattle Company
Frank DalMolin, DalMolin Ranches
Tyler DalMolin, DalMolin Ranches
Chas Erickson, Dagger Springs Ranch
Dan Fenn, Buzzard Roost Ranch
John Fowler, J-B & Rockin' 4 Cattle Companies
Rodrigo Garrobo, Cross Y Ranch
Bain Grantham, Bar F Bar Ranch
John Griffin, Griffin Cattle Ranch
Pam Griffin, Interim President GCCB
Tom Hale, M F Ranch
Michael Hemovich, Bar X Ranch
Charley Johnson, Johnson Ranch
John L Johnson, Flying H Ranch
Michael Oddonetto, M Bar K Ranch
Therese Oddonetto, Haystack Ranches
Manuel Ruiz, Jr., Ruiz Ranch
Ray Tanner, Cross V Ranch
Roy Tucker, Two Bar Ranch
James Webb, Slash S Ranch
Honorary Directors
Bill Brake, Rose Tree Cattle Company
Nathan Ellison, Ellison Ranch
Walter Grantham, Bar F Bar Ranch
Roy Hicks
Mitchel Holder, Copper Hills Ranch
Duane Reece, Reece Ranch