Dear Grazing Permittee:
As you are aware, the Tonto National Forest is experiencing extreme fire danger this season and will implement a Forest Closure Order Number 03-12-00-21-443 on Friday, June 25, 2021. We also recognize the need for ranchers to check on, move and provide water to livestock. This letter authorizes you to perform specific emergency actions within your permitted grazing allotment during the Forest Closure, until the Order is rescinded.
The following actions may continue within the closure area:
- Water hauling using a water tanker or trailer with water tank on a designated forest road
- Inspecting stock tanks for water (UTV or passenger vehicle) on a designated forest road
- Herding cattle on horseback
- Transporting cattle with trucks and trailers on a designated forest road
- Placing salt and supplement. Vehicle may not leave a designated forest road.
These actions constitute the minimum emergency requirements needed to continue allotment management on a daily basis. All effort should be made to minimize any presence within the closure area.
This exemption is granted with the conditions listed below:
- This authorization can be rescinded at any time if conditions change, adherence to requirements is not satisfactory as determined by the Forest Service, or other unforeseen conditions dictate.
- All Stage 2 Fire Restrictions are complied with.
- This authorization is valid only for the permit holder, their manager, and employees only for actions in the specific permitted allotment.
- Vehicle use is restricted to only Forest Service numbered roads. No cross country vehicle travel is permitted. Horseback travel will be allowed within your allotment or while accessing your allotment.
- Vehicles will be parked on bare ground so as not to contact the vehicle's undercarriage or exhaust system to any vegetation.
- If pulling a trailer, make sure chains are not dragging.
- Any vehicle traveling within the closure area will carry a fire extinguisher and hand tools.
- A copy of this signed letter must be carried with each person to present to closure enforcement personnel.
While granting permission to perform the work described above, this authorization does not waive responsibilities or liabilities should a fire start as a result of your activities.
Please contact your district Range Specialist to request any additional authorizations that might be needed during this closure. We plan to lift the closure once fire indices decrease.
Neil Bosworth, Forest Supervisor